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  • Summer Fete

    Published 20/07/24

    Thank you to everyone that came and supported the summer fete.  the weather was on our side and lots of fun was had by all!

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  • Bawdsey Manor Photos

    Published 19/07/24

    The Bawdsey Manor photo gallery is now available here:

    PGL Gallery

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  • Class Antarctica Assembly

    Published 19/07/24

    Well done to all of class Antarctica - the class assembly today was fantastic!

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  • Musical Performance Assembly

    Published 17/07/24

    We were delighted to see so many parents and family members come to see our musical performance assembly. The children were absolutely amazing. The piano and violin playing was delightful. Well done to all who took part.

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  • ERIC - Everyone Reading in Class

    Published 17/07/24

    Everyone Reading In Class came to an end for this term. Everyone had an amazing time sharing books with their partner classes.  ERIC will return in the Autumn Term.

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  • Class Australia Assembly

    Published 12/07/24

    Well done to class Australia for a fantastic assembly.

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  • Litter Picking Kits

    Published 10/07/24

    I am pleased to announce that our school has received litter picking kits from Chelmsford City Council.

    Our plan for next year includes taking groups of children out in the village to engage in community activities such as litter picking. The children have such a strong sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness, so I am looking forward to putting things in to action.

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  • Summer Safety Assembly

    Published 08/07/24

    Last week, we held a Summer Safety assembly to educate the children about staying safe during the upcoming summer months. The assembly focused on essential safety measures when near water, on beaches, and protection against the sun's harmful rays. We believe that equipping our students with this knowledge is crucial for their well-being.

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  • RCP Quiz

    Published 05/07/24

    Well done to the pupils who represented GWPS in the annual RCP quiz at Boreham Primary School. We were very proud of their teamwork.  They covered a wide range of topics for over an hour of questions. We did well with animals, flags, children’s books and Taylor Swift questions!

    A special thanks to Mrs Barry who accompanied them.

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  • Schools Gotta Dance

    Published 18/06/24

    Congratulations to the group of year 5's that attended this years 'Schools Gotta Dance' at the Chelmsford Theatre.  They put on an excellent show and we felt very proud!

    Well done to all of the children for spending many lunchtimes rehearsing their routine!

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  • District Athletics Tournament 2024 - Track Events

    Published 17/06/24

    On Monday 17th June it was the turn of the track stars to compete against other schools in Chelmsford. Everyone that took part was energetic and absolutely showed GWPS to be a brilliantly competitive team. Overall we came third out of our school group which is an amazing achievement.

    What a fantastic afternoon we had. All the children were well behaved and an absolute joy to be with. The sun was shining and the crowd of parents that came along to support us added to the brilliant atmosphere.

    Below are the children who placed in the top three in their event. There really were some stand-out performances with Bella G, Sadie D and Connie W winning their events. They showed outstanding skill and agility. A huge well done to those. However, everyone tried their best and whatever the result, we are all proud of each and every one of you.

      Year Event Position

    Billy M


    Long distance


    Bella G




    Billy M




    Sadie D




    Hatty B




    Rupert L




    Beatrice H




    Zara-Jane J




    Connie W




    Sebby L




    Abigail W

    Riley M

    Holly L

    Bella G


    Spring relay



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  • Y6 visit to CVHS

    Published 11/06/24

    Y6 visited the Food Department at CVHS this week. Students made shortbread, learning basic food skills and importantly how to wash and clear up. It was a very enjoyable afternoon!

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