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The school’s intent is to provide the children with a computing curriculum that is inclusive, challenging and creative and that aims to develop children’s work ethic, independence and ability to work cooperatively with others. 

Online safety forms a crucial element of our intent to provide a safe and secure environment where children feel confident, able to learn and experience success.  We aim to develop their understanding of self-respect and respect for others and provide them with the skills and knowledge needed to help them stay safe when working or playing online. 


We aim to implement our intent by following the aims set out in the National Curriculum and plan for progression across the school.  Computing skills are taught both discreetly and by identifying cross curricular links with other subject areas.

Online safety is taught in all classes, using the Education for a Connected World document as guidance and a range of resources including the National Online Safety Website.  Each year children revisit and build on their understanding of Self Image and Identity, Online Relationships, Online Reputation, Online Bullying, Managing Online Information, Health, Wellbeing and Lifestyle, Privacy and Security and Copyright and Ownership.  Some of these areas are also linked with the school’s PHSE scheme of work. 

Advice and latest information for parents/carers, provided by the National Online Safety website, are also regularly shared via our school newsletter. 


The impact of a broad and balanced computing curriculum, which promotes safe and responsible behaviour online, will help to develop pupils who are responsible and respectful, as well as being confident computing users who are well-equipped with transferrable life skills to ‘Let all that you do be done in love’ both during their time at Great Waltham School and into the future.