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Physical Education

We intend for children at Great Waltham Primary School to ‘Let all that you do be done in love’ in all curriculum subjects. For PE we believe educating our pupils to understand the physical and mental benefits are vital. There is a clear link between physical and mental health. Forming life-long habits for looking after yourself ‘health wise’ must not be underestimated.

PE is about participation. Through a carefully planned and implemented, sequenced curriculum children can form excellent habits, learn new skills as their bodies grow and understand the concepts of enjoyment, teamwork, competition and success. All of these factors work in unison with our Life Long Values of Aspiration, Strength, Perseverance, Integrity, Responsibility and Empathy. Children are scheduled a non-negotiable 2 hours of PE lessons per week, active play / lunchtimes and many extra-curricular opportunities to participate and enjoy PE.

The impact of the PE curriculum could be life changing. Offering a pathway to good habits, healthy choices, the enjoyable sense of team and social skills PE offers, may ensure children grow into adults with good physical / mental health who are available to participate in healthy relationships with families and friends.

Please see separate skills progress document to see how different skills are taught from EYFS to Y6.